Vaccine Information

Vaccine Schedule 0-6 YR

Vaccine Schedule 7-18 YR

Herd Immunity (how it works)

The History of Vaccines

Vaccine Preventable Childhood Diseases

As medical professionals, we feel very strongly that vaccinating children on schedule with currently available vaccines is absolutely the right thing to do for all children and young adults.

Our Vaccine Policy

  • All children and young adults should receive all recommended vaccines in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommended Vaccine Schedule
  • Based on all available literature, evidence, and current scientific studies: vaccines or their preservatives do not cause autism or other developmental disabilities.
  • Vaccinating children and young adults is the single most important health-promoting intervention we perform as healthcare providers, and that you can perform as parents/caregivers. The recommended vaccines and vaccine schedule are the result of years
    of scientific study and data gathered about millions of children by thousands of our brightest scientists and physicians.
  • By asking our medically eligible patients to be fully vaccinated, we are able to protect all of our patients– including those that are too young or medically unable to receive all of their vaccines yet.
  • By 2 years of age, all patients in the practice are required to receive the recommended immunizations according to the CDC/AAP Vaccine Schedule.
  • The State of Illinois also requires certain vaccines to be given to all children entering kindergarten, 6th grade, and 9th grade.
  • If you have any concerns, please discuss these with your healthcare provider.

The following are a list of just a few of the reputable websites with information on vaccines American Academy of Pediatrics and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
